Sunday, December 29, 2019

Income Gap in Canada - 949 Words

Question One: It is often said that in Canada, â€Å"The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.† Respond. Be certain to differentiate between income and wealth. How has the occupy movement contributed to this debate? Inequality in Canada is a growing problem. As income rises for the rich and remains the same for the poor, a gap is forming between Canada’s highest and lowest earners. This gap has sparked outrage by some, resulting in the Occupy Movement, and apathy in others. However, it can indeed be said that in Canada â€Å"the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.† The reason for Canada’s large gap in wealth is best explained by changes in labour markets, changes in families and changes in public policies†¦show more content†¦In fact, median net worth fell by $7,500 in 2005 in the lowest 10%, while increasing by between $237,000 and $659,000 in the top 10%. Therefore, wealth inequality rose as the highest earners were subject to wealth increases. When considering this, it is wholly possible to understand the saying that â€Å"the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer†, as it is true. This was brought into the spotlight by the Occupy Movement, and the slogan of â€Å"We are the 99%†. This, in turn, begs the question; who are the one percent? The Canadian one percent are compose of 246,000 people, whose income is $405,000 (Yalnizyan, 2010). This one percent holds 13.8% of all incomes in Canada, and has seen its total income double (Yalnizyan, 2010). In fact, this one percent of the population accumu lated 32% of all growth in incomes from 1997 to 2007 (Yalnizyan, 2010). In comparison, that same one percent only took 8% of all income growth in the 1950’s and 60’s (Yalnizyan, 2010). So, as the one percent accumulates more wealth and more of the growth in incomes, the gap grows. In response to the growing inequality between rich and poor Canadians, and the growing wealth of the top 1%, the Occupy Movement took to the streets in order to protest against the accumulation of the majority of wealth by the minority of people. On October 15th, 2011, in 900 cities across the world, thousands of average citizens protested for their rights to wealth equalityShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Female Incomes On The Workplace1405 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: For decades, a typical female’s income in Canada has been a fraction of their male counterpart. This social issue affects all females globally, despite occupation and education. Although the distance is becoming smaller between genders, Canada’s gap is greater than the national average. Many theories that attempt to explain the differences in female wages, however, these theories do not fully account for the income differences women experience. 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This plan is in response to the larger issue of income inequality in Canada. Analysing the income inequality from a liberal â€Å"justice as fairness† perspective, one can conclude that Justin Trudeau is taking the correct action, as taxation on the rich is in compliance with the two principles of justice as described by John RawlsRead MoreSocial Justice And Its Impact On Human Development1731 Words   |  7 Pagesbarely able to sustain a proper day-to-day living. According to the United Nations, Canada is one of the most desirable countries in the world to live in. Given this fact, at first glance, it may appear as if Canadians have boundless opportunities and privileges (that other countries in the world simply cannot afford or don’t place as much emphasis on) to be thankful for, but further analysis proves that Canada still has a long way to go if the goal of social justice is to ensure that all citizensRead MoreInequality Affecting the Canadian Public Essay1238 Words   |  5 PagesInequality in Canada is not as prominent as many other places around the world, although it does remain in certain segments of Canada. There are many forms of inequality in Canada and internationally, although this papers main focus is going to be the inequality of wealth. According to Steven Kerstetter â€Å"Canadians may view their country as a land of opportunity, but it is also a land of deep and abiding inequality in the distribution of personal w ealth† (Kerstetter 2002). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind - 1080 Words

Introduction The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind is an Oscar winning alternative U.S. film released March 19th 2004(IMDb 2015). It was produced by Focus Features and follows the dysfunctional love story of Joel and Clementine. The film itself despite being strongly influenced by Hollywood pays homage to other film movements such as surrealism and Soviet montage. The film in itself was a struggle to be categorised, thought it has been described as a romance, black comedy and many others that will later be explored. The director aimed to make this film timeless and still stands to be as effective today as it was when it was released. Production Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is the brainchild of director Michel Gondry and scriptwriter Charlie Kaufman. Steve Golin on of the crew on the film was quoted saying ‘the two complement each other. Michel is truly gifted at visualisation. But he also has a lot of soul. Charlie is probably the most imaginative writer that I’ve had the opportunity to work with. He creates characters and situations that are relatable but very unusual – and he also has very visual ideas.’ (Dugdale H 2006). The film itself has utilises rawer filming aspects than a classic Hollywood film. Instead of C.G.I the film uses camera techniques to make the characters smaller or larger in scale (Dugdale H 2006). The film itself was categorised under many genres including romance, drama, science fiction, black comedy, surrealism and realism. TheShow MoreRelatedEternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind1774 Words   |  8 PagesEternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind provides a good example of the possibility of presenting philosophical concepts in a fictional feature film. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind is science fiction based romantic and comedy film written by Charlie Kaufman and is directed by Michel Gondry. The film is based on romance and mainly the scientific aspect to explore and flourish the nature of the human memory. The film was presented to the viewers in March 2004Read MoreEternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind2281 Words   |  10 Pagesscene could be†. - Michel Gondry As this quote from French film director Michel Gondry suggests, the ability of a director to create a film that hides the camera and the construction of a film remains difficult. In his 2004 film, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Gondry utilizes the full potential of the film medium, to express his own unique visual style. He has a number of films that he has directed such as Human Nature, which was also written by scriptwriter Charlie Kaufman. Both GondryRead MoreEternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind961 Words   |  4 PagesEternal Acceptance of the Present After seeing the play â€Å"The Valley† written by Joan MacLeaod, I begun to realize that there is a definite denial and avoidance theme taking place within all the relationships, but mostly a lack of acceptance for what is really taking place in each of their lives. I recognized a similar theme in the drama â€Å"Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind†, screenplay by Charlie Kauffman, specifically, the unacceptance of themselves and each other. In â€Å"The Valley†, theRead MoreEternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind838 Words   |  4 PagesEternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a 2004 movie starring Jim Carrie and Kate Winslet. In this movie, you discover that the leading characters were in a two-year relationship. The opening scene is Jim Carrie waking up in bed and then spontaneously deciding to visit Montauk, where he meets quirky Clementine. They are drawn to each other even though their meeting is awkward. At this point they are unaware that they have previously dated but through an advanced technology they had each other erasedRead MoreEternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind1549 Words   |  7 PagesEternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a movie that uses two people in a romantic relationship to show the six relationship stages that occur in real life. The lovebirds used in this movie are Joel Barish and Clementine Kruczynski. Joel is an introverted person while Clementine is the extroverted. She makes the first move of approaching Joel and after a while they end up interested in each other. Even though the movie goes back and forth chronologically, the two lovebirds will have their momentRead MoreEternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Essay1167 Words   |  5 Pagesdrama Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. After working together on the film Human Nature, director Michael Gondry and screenwriter Charlie Kaufman discussed the possibility whether or not they would have their memory erased of a bad relationship should the opportunity present itself (dvdtalk) . Out of that discussion a movie idea was formulated, pitched to a studio, and a film was created showing the potential impact of doing so. Through Kaufman’s brilliant and strange storytelling, Eternal SunshineRead MoreEternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind Analysis1723 Words   |  7 Pagesdifferent answers. 1. Briefly describe the film including the main plot and two main characters that you will be using. Additionally, please identify the type of interpersonal relationship they have (e.g., romantic, friends, family, etc.) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a romantic comedy starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. The film details the rise and fall of protagonists Joel and Clementine’s relationship, primarily through a flashback sequence as Joel’s memories of Clementine are erased earlyRead MoreEternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind By Michel Gondry Essay875 Words   |  4 Pageshuman? In the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) and Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet) do exactly this. Directed by Michel Gondry, this American romantic comedy wonderfully expresses the idea that a person’s memories are fundamental in human growth. Through cinematography, lighting, and character development, Gondry successfully directs one of the best twenty-first-century films. The cinematography of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind effectively developsRead MoreSynopsis Of Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind 2033 Words   |  9 Pagesspeech acts are performed in this fragment and what’s the intention behind them. This fragment was taken from the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It tells the story of Joel Barish and Clementine Kruczynski, two completely different persons who have been former lovers in the past two years but can’t recall it because both of them have had that memory erased from their minds. The film opens up with Joel, a very emotional and timid man who whilst being on the train station about to get a trainRead MoreThe Ethics of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind706 Words   |  3 Pagessuffer from p ost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The fear and horror can have lasting psychological and physiological effects with complications such as depression, substance abuse and even suicide (Wood,2007). Wood, A. (2007). The ethics of eternal sunshine. The Advocate: University of San Diego School of Law 24(1). Current Treatment for PTSD Cognitive behavior therapy helps individuals manage their symptoms by recognizing triggers and learning to replace negative thoughts and behaviors with

Friday, December 13, 2019

Social Movements Free Essays

It can be argued that communication networks are not only present in all social movements, but, are in fact essential to their formation and emergence. As Manual Chattels argues in Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements In the Internet Age, social movements all throughout history could not have been possible without the communication networks formed by Individuals who had a common purpose and goal that challenged the norm of society. Social movements, regardless of how different each may be, are always a response to some form of Injustice, whether It be ultra, economic, political or social, this Injustice Incites those being mistreated to stand up against the dominant power In their society and collectively act to try and change It. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Movements or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, this collective action that challenges the dominant power In society Is not possible without first establishing a certain togetherness among the Individuals who wish to oppose the norm. It Is through communication networks that people are able to unite and create the sense of togetherness that turns thoughts, feelings and emotions into actual collective action. Just as the government and elites hat too often hold the power in society use communication networks to attain the consent of individuals, those who are the counterpoise use communication in the same way for the production of dissent. Governments and corporations use the various outlets of media to communicate their values and interests in order to influence individuals into accepting their power without resistance. Communication therefore is as essential to power and consent, as it is to dissent and social movements. Chattels states, â€Å"the way people think determines the fate of the institutions, norms and values on which societies are organized† (p. ), so once individuals form communication networks where they can exchange information of their shared feelings of discontent and injustice, they will begin to think not of the elite’s interests, but their own interests, and this is when dissent arises and social movements are formed. It is through communication networks that individuals are able to turn their emotion into action, because once they are together they are able to overcome the fear that prevents them from resisting the dominant power In society. â€Å"Overcoming fear is the fundamental threshold for individuals to cross In order to engage in a social movement† and once fear Is no longer a factor, enthusiasm and hope move a social movement forward (Chattels, p. 10). Communication networks offer a space where Individuals can exchange Information and organize themselves as a united force of dissent. With the emergence of the Internet and the advance In technological communication, social movements have greatly transformed. Not because the fundamentals have changed, communication networks are still the space for emotions to be shared, dissent to form and action to arise, but because communication between Individuals has been greatly facilitated. Take for example the recent Arab Spring, a social movement arose because Individuals were able to communicate and organize themselves through social media and cellophanes where before it would have been very difficult to come together in will continue to advance, as Castles argues, communication networks will also continue to be absolutely necessary for the development and emergence of social movements. It is only through communication, and the togetherness it creates, that individuals dare to stand up against the norms of society and fight for a reconstruction of it. How to cite Social Movements, Papers Social Movements Free Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Music Censorship free essay sample

Music Censorship I enjoy and love music very much. I feel that music artists should have the right to freely express their work and I feel that I should argue about the censorship attacks on these artists. Im tired of listening to a good song on the radio with some of the words censored. It ruins the song and I cant stand it. Some people think that rap is a bad Influence and causes the young to behave badly. But I think all this censoring has something to do with racism because It Is mostly black people singing the songs.The first website list the good side and bad side of rap censorship. I think half of this site is pretty good to use for my paper. The second website has a lot of information for my readers but the author has no definite side on the Issue and cant be used to persuade my readers. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Censorship or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The last two websites are essays about censorship and wouldnt be good sources of information for my readers because some of the sources might not be treatable. We must stop the censoring of art and let the artists freely express their music because everyone deserves to express him or herself the way hey want. Gangs Rap, Censorship of: Databases Debate Topics and Debate Motions http://www. Debate. Org/databases/topic_details. PH? Topical=263 This website is sponsored by IDEA (International Debate Education Association). It is an Independent membership organization. I think this website Is appropriate for college level argument research essay because It provides information on both sides of an issue. This site contains many debates on almost any issue. It lists the pros and cons on how rap music doesnt actually encourage some listeners to behave In a certain way.Since this website shows both sides of the Issue, It can help me or hurt me in convincing my readers. Rap, Rock, and Censorship, http://www. Cash. SC. Due/Soc/faculty/defile/essences. HTML This pages sponsor is by a man named Mathieu Defile. The sponsor is appropriate because he is an associate professor of sociology at university of South Carolina. He has done a lot of research on the Issue with many sources and seems reliable. Some of the information on this page is helpful for my readers to understand the issue. He writes about the history and arguments of censorship of popular music.He writes about the legal principles, the law, and mainly the protection of the First Amendment. This site will Just be a good Information page on understanding the history of the fight on music censorship. Some of the facts are useful for my research but the author doesnt pick one side of the issue. Censorship of rap music essays, http www. Messages. Com/preparer/61066. HTML This website is an essay database that requires you to buy membership to fully view essays that other students turned in. I couldnt find any information on 1 OFF essay because you cant trust the information on these essays.This site is mainly for people to buy the essays and then popularize the work. Much of the information I can find on this page is an introduction to censorship of rap. It starts off talking about how rap music is made by rap artists that grew up with a tough childhood. They work on music and become successful. They are perfect role models showing everyone that anyone in that kind of situation can be successful. The essay ends there and you have to pay to see the rest. This paper is of no use to my readers and I because I want to use treatable facts from educated people and not Just some unknown author.Rap and Censorship, http://www. Plasterers. Com/Assets/2502. PH This website seems to be another essay paper database. I dont think this site is appropriate for reasons mention above. But this site is a little better because I can actually view the whole essay plus the sources the person used. This makes the paper more reliable. This paper mostly shows the beginnings of how rap got started and the troubles of censoring it went through. The writer does seem to be against censorship but this paper is mainly Just facts for the reader and not that much recursive. I would recommend my readers to read this for the freedom issues the write discusses about. UCLA (American Civil Liberties Union) would be appropriate for my readers to contact. UCLA is a political organization that is nonprofit and nonpartisan. They have many civil liberties members and supporters. They protect individual rights, your First Amendment rights, your right to equal protection under the law, etc. Censorship goes against your freedom of speech and so they try and protect that from music artists who are having their work censored.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Why People Should Exercise More free essay sample

More Physical exercise is one of the most important things in the world. With proper exercise you can avoid or reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, and improve your brain power. Now wouldn’t that be nice? If you were to get exercise regularly you could become a doctor with your brain power, and with that much skill you could help cure people of these formidable illnesses. They key to doing this, exercise, is an activity that for centuries has been made increasingly easier to do and can be done at a faced paced, low effort, agenda. Firstly, probably the most dangerous risk for not exercising properly is cardiovascular disease. It is an illness that single-handedly takes out one in four Americans. That’s 25% folks! Many types of coronary heart disease can be avoided or reduced by exercise. For example, in coronary heart disease high levels of fatty cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and blood vessel inflammation. We will write a custom essay sample on Why People Should Exercise More or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page All of these illnesses can be prevented through one way or another. One common cure or help that these illnesses have is exercise. ‘Your doctor has probably recommended dietary changes to your meals that are too rich in high cholesterol foods, perhaps more exercise, maybe even medication. †(Holly McCord) Wow exercise is a great remedy in this case. ’ â€Å"By reducing inflammation, exercise decreases damage to blood vessels and reduce the number of cholesterol deposits. † (Dr. David Lipschitz, 2007) Look! Problem avoided! â€Å"Scientific evidence indicates that mental stress can adversely affect the cardiovascular system. Scientific evidence indicates that mental stress can adversely affect the cardiovascular system. † (Ben Martin, PSY. D. ) This statement shows that stress can cause heart illnesses and hurt your health. Yoga is a stress relieving exercise that when done can help you to have a shapely body and is very beneficial to you emotional health. Secondly, you can reduce the risk of breast cancer by exercise. The American Cancer Society research states, â€Å"Studies show that exercise reduces breast cancer risk. The only question is how much exercise is needed. One study found that as little as 1 hour and 15 minutes to 2? hours of brisk walking per week reduced the risk by 18%. Walking 10 hours a week reduced the risk a little more. † This statement shows us that exercise is necessary. Though the previous statement is true many people could say that exercise can be exerting and cause injury that would hurt your health and rip your muscle in a fibroid tumor causing cancer. I would like to state that there are many available DVD’s, books, internet sources, and available instructors for exercise. You can learn that you don’t overexert, remembering to warm up, stretch, and cool down is essential, drink water to keep hydrated, and if you are not ready rest after a session. Then you will not have health problems occur because of the exercise. Lastly, exercise increases your brainpower. Exercise increases the amount of neurons in your brain. It can cause you to think better. â€Å"There also seems to be a role for neurogenesis in the treatment of depression making it easier for you to think and adding determination to all of your work. People can use statements like, â€Å"Anabolic steroids can change the messages the hypothalamus sends to the body. This can disrupt normal hormone function. † (National Clearinghouse for alcohol and drug information) This statement can be perceived as that the anabolic drug can make you happy by changing your hormonal responses or make you more able to think, but it really means that your mood swings would be unpredictable and you would not be able to control your hormones and that may increase it as much as not doing well in anything or for girls, manly qualities.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Andrew Johnson Fast Facts - 17th President

Andrew Johnson Fast Facts - 17th President Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) served as Americas seventeenth president. He took over after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865. He was president through the early days of reconstruction at a time when emotions ran high. Due to disagreements with Congress and his staff, he was actually impeached in 1868. However, he was saved from being removed as president by one vote.   Here is a quick list of fast facts for Andrew Johnson. For more in depth information, you can also read the Andrew Johnson Biography Birth: December 29, 1808 Death: July 31, 1875 Term of Office: April 15, 1865 - March 3, 1869 Number of Terms Elected: Term - Finished out the term after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. First Lady: Eliza McCardle Andrew Johnson Quotes: Honest conviction is my courage; the Constitution is my guide. The goal to strive for is a poor government but a rich people. There are no good laws but such as repeal other laws. If the rabble were lopped off at one end and the aristocrats at the other, all would be well with the country. Slavery exists. It is black in the South, and white in the North. If I am shot at, I want no man to be in the way of the bullet. Who, then, will govern? The answer must be, Man - for we have no angels in the shape of men, as yet, who are willing to take charge of our political affairs. Major Events While in Office: ReconstructionThirteenth Amendment Ratified (1865)Alaska Purchased (1867)Impeachment Proceedings (1868)Fourteenth Amendment Ratified (1868) States Entering Union While in Office: Nebraska (1867) Related Andrew Johnson Resources: These additional resources on Andrew Johnson can provide you with further information about the president and his times. Andrew Johnson BiographyTake a more in depth look at the Seventeenth president of the United States through this biography. Youll learn about his childhood, family, early career, and the major events of his administration. ReconstructionAs the Civil War ended, the government was left with the job of mending the horrendous rift that had torn the nation apart. The programs of reconstruction were efforts to help achieve this goal. Conspiracies Surrounding Abraham Lincolns AssassinationAbraham Lincolns assassination is rife with mystery. Was his death masterminded by Booth alone, by Jefferson Davis, by Secretary of War Stanton, or even by the Roman Catholic Church? Find out more about the conspiracies in this article. Chart of Presidents and Vice PresidentsThis informative chart gives quick reference information on the presidents, vice-presidents, their terms of office, and their political parties. Other Presidential Fast Facts: Abraham LincolnUlysses S GrantList of American Presidents

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership vs. Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership vs. Management - Essay Example That is because of the existing gray area in the definition of the two. However, Warren Bennis who penned the book â€Å"On Becoming a Leader† (1989) has tried to differentiate leadership and management by explaining that; In essence, leadership sets the tone that the group is to follow while management controls and directs the workers towards achieving the goals based on established values and principles (â€Å"Definition of Leadership and Management†). Based upon the aforementioned differences of a leadership and management, we can now create a more solid perception of what the good characteristics of a leader should be. According to Tanya Prive (2012), there are 10 qualities that depict the best characteristics of a leader. These characteristics include; While there is a very long list of characteristics that is expected of a leader, there are only 5 very important qualities that a manager must have according to Jacob Morgan (2013). These qualities include; Experts such as Erika Andersen (2012) believe that it is possible for a single person to be a good leader and manager since the two are complementary and related. The characteristics of a good leader and manager actually overlap in 4 areas according to Andersen (2012). These include â€Å"listen well, are curious, manager their self - talk, and hold themselves accountable for moving their business forward.† Leadership qualities therefore, can be acquired, developed, and taught to others. That is because business managers learn to observe their leaders in order to properly manage their business. The leaders train the managers to become their clones on the floor and therefore allow these managers to develop their leadership abilities, which are taught to them and which they pass onto their subordinates. In conclusion, I would advise that those interested in management and leadership read more articles pertaining to the method by which these two highly